Κυριακή 29 Απριλίου 2012

Οι επτά πιέτες (πτυχώσεις) της hakama

H hakama έχει επτά βαθιές πτυχώσεις, δύο στο πίσω μέρος και πέντε στο μπροστινό μέρος. Οι πιέτες, αναφέρονται στις επτά αρετές του Bushido, που θεωρούνται ουσιαστικής σημασίας για τους σαμουράι. Αν και φαίνεται ισορροπημένη η διάταξη των μπροστινών πτυχώσεων (τρεις στα δεξιά και δύο στα αριστερά) εντούτοις είναι ασύμμετρη και αποτελεί ένα παράδειγμα της ασυμμετρίας στην ιαπωνική αισθητική.

Οι επτά αρετές:   
Chu: πίστη
φιλανθρωπία, συμπόνια
Gi: τιμή ή δικαιοσύνη
σεβασμός, ευγένεια και ευπρέπεια

Chi: σοφία, εξυπνάδα
Shin: ειλικρίνεια

Οι πέντε πιέτες στο μπροστινό μέρος είναι οι πέντε αρετές Gotoku, της ιαπωνικής παραδοσιακής κοινωνίας (οι πέντε πρώτες αρετές). Όλες μαζί αντιπροσωπεύουν την ολοκλήρωση του ανθρώπου.

Υποβρύχιες αποτυπώσεις - Εισαγωγή στις επιστήμες της θάλασσας

Κυριακή 29 Ιανουαρίου 2012

The Four Basic Principles of Aikido

1. Keep One Point
2. Relax Completely
3. Keep Weight Underside
4. Extend Ki

These principles are very important in Aikido training. Since not all styles of Aikido being taught today emphasize these principles, I feel very fortunate to have had teacher that taught and believed in the Coordination of the Mind, body, And Spirit. As time goes by, I realize more and more the importance of not only training the body to perform techniques but training the Mind and Spirit as well. The mind is a very powerful tool that we can continue to develop as long as we live. While the body ages with time, the Mind with proper training can remain fresh and alert even into advanced age.
"How do I train my mind?" The answer is always the same. You simply take control of your thought. When the Mind begins to wander and flip flop from one thought to another, take command of it and bring it back to the task at hand or whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. The key here is practice. The more you do this the more effective you become. This forces us to live in the present moment and increases our awareness. When one lives in the past or the future it weakens considerably the power of the present moment. Understand that how we do things in the present affects the outcome of the future.
Awareness is the number one rule in all self-defense situations and it is also the number one rule in living a strong and successful life. Number 1 and 4 are rules of the Mind. Number 2 and 3 are rules of the body. The four basic principles to unify the Mind, Body, And Spirit are the Path to a true understanding of self and your relationship to the world as a whole and you part in it. When you find that you have a center. its then that you are starting to see the true spirit of Aikido.
